The game supports all type of controllers (including joysticks, gamepads, steering wheels) which is supported by your system. If a controller is fully supported by your OS than the game will also fully support it. If you play on Linux: the Linux game is 64 bit version which require 64 bit Linux system and 64 bit joystick driver. Make sure your Linux system is set up for 64 bit.

Controller selector is topmost of this window. Press the arrows to select your controller to set up.

Keyboard is the default control method, however during the game all connected controller will be active, which allows the player to use keyboards and joysticks at the same time.

Use wheel

Input handling uses direct input when selected. For keyboard or other gamepad controllers can be too direct, we suggest this option for racing wheels only.

Please note, the best and most secure way to use your controller properly is plugging it before starting the game, and let it connected all the time. Also important to mention, that some controllers are using different drivers on different platforms. For example DualShock3 let you assign some buttons as button on OSX and as button or axis on Windows.


Use it if you don’t want to shift the gears manually. Auto-shift is not the same as automatic transmission. In the game you have the options to use manual or automatic gear box whichever is installed into your car. Turn on this option, when you are using manual gearbox and you want to shift automatically.


This feature is for steering wheels equipped with H-shifter device. Please note, not all of them are supported fully on all platforms. (G27/29 is supported on OSX only as wheel+paddle shifter with 2 pedals [no clutch])

When H-Shifter is on, the gear shifting is fully manual and the player must take care of the clutch as well as the manual shifter to avoid the engine to halt or protect the gearbox while shifting gears. When H-Shifter is off the clutch will be automatic and player can shift gears with simply up or down.

Steering sensitivity

This slider sets the sensitivity of the steering logic globally in the game. It is different from Input sensitivity (see below).

Input sensitivity

Sensitivity of the selected controller type. Please note, there are 2 different value for this, one for keyboard (digital) and another for other (axis) controllers. It shows and sets the sensitivity of the controller type selected above.

Dead zone

Sets the dead zone of the selected controller type. The more dead zone means more movement has to be done to get some input. That means by a joypad, that you have to move the stick further from the center to get the minimum input.


Multiple screens:

If you have multiple monitors you might want to change which one should be used to play the game. On windows system it can be easily set by these keys:

WIN + SHIFT + Left/Right Arrow (this should move it left or right, Also works in any other app)

Screen resolution

Shows and sets the screen resolution. It will be set automatically to the native resolution of your display, but you can use the arrows to step it to lower or higher values. Please notice, higher resolution gives lower frame rates.

Quality level

You can set different quality level from fastest to beautiful. Fastest is the lowest quality settings, with the highest available FPS, beautiful is the highest which could cause less FPS. Try to find the highest level which fits to your computer’s performance.

Anti alias

It helps to make coarse edges look smoother and also minimizes the flickering of the very thin lines(fences etc). It has 3 different steps, 2x 4x and 8x. It needs more power and Vram on higher settings. It has significant impact on FPS, if your FPS too low, try to reduce this value.

Draw distance

It sets the maximum distance where the far objects are to be drawn. Lowering this value will rise the frame rate but resulting objects will pop up just in front of you.

Vertical sync

Use it if you are experiencing screen tearing. Please keep in mind that not all gpu-s supporting this feature.



It’s the master volume of the game. Changing tis will affects all sounds and music.


Sound effect’s volume. Change this if you feel the sound effects are loud/silent in the game.

Menu music

Music volume when you are not in a race. (garage etc)

Race music

Music volume when you are in a race.